Community Herbalism Classes - advanced track for those who have completed the Foundations
Sun Feb 23rd 2-5:30p Topic: Whole Body Care Self-Reflexology Workshop Teacher: Anat Shlagman
Sun Mar 23rd 2-5:30p Topic: Lymph & Pelvic Floor Teacher: Marlyn Minus & NaKisha Thompson
Sun Apr 27th 2-5:30p Topic: TBD Teacher: TBD
Sun May 25th 2-5:30p Topic: Teacher: Anna Fernandez
Sun Jun 29th 2-5:30p Topic: Teacher:
Sun Jul 27th 2-5:30p Topic: Teacher:
Sun Aug Topic: TBD Teacher: TBD
Sun Sept 28th Topic: Teacher: TBD
Sun Oct 26th 2-5:30p Topic: The Nervous System & Brain Teacher: TBD
*SUNDAY Nov 10th 2-5:30p FINAL CELEBRATION for all! Potluck & Herbal Medicine Exchange!
Bring a dish from your ethnic roots that is special and/or comfort food for you (enough to share). Also bring something you have made by hand with herbal medicine (or adjacent arts) that can be exchanged with everyone else at the celebration. We will finalize how many people are coming as it gets closer so we can each know how much medicine to make. For example - bring 20 handmade herbal salves so each person can take one home.